Join a discovery call

I offer free discovery calls.

The root meaning of ‘interview’ is ‘to see each other', which is the guiding principle of my soul work.

Over the last five years, I have been on discovery calls with more than three hundred people.

Almost every person arrives anxious and nervous. Afraid of getting it wrong or not being good enough.

I'm reminded of the old-world corporate job interviews I attended.

Personas up and masks on. Cat and mouse. Sensing distrust. Exaggerating my achievements. Coming up with clever answers. Being charming. Flattering the interviewer.

I did everything I could to be the person I thought they were looking for: Efficient. Compliant. Experienced. A good fit.

When you are with me, you cannot get it wrong. I am not assessing whether you are good enough. There is nothing you need to hide. I encourage you to put everything on the table.

Together, we will create a heart field so you can respond to YOUR call.

My part is to share an embodied vision of the experience, model the journey, and help you shine.

If this resonates, please join me.